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Went to Fort DeSoto's North Beach about 4:30 this afternoon.

Posted by on February 19, 2015

I visited the fort, which was interesting, but not terribly so, since it was mostly active around the Spanish American war in 1898 – though the site was initially scouted by Robert E. Lee (yes, THAT Robert E. Lee) in 1849. I found it to be quite modern by "St. Augustine" standards. It had a "dynamo room" where they generated electricity, and the crew of the gigantic 12" mortars were given firing orders by telephone…
I guess that's what 200 years of progress gets ya. =)

After that, I went to North Beach, which has won several awards for being America's Most Beautiful Beach. I can see why. The sand there is…slightly coarser than talcum powder, and it's so smooth it feels silky in your fingers.

And I made a friend!

Look for a video coming up early next week at

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